Haya Shaaban

Timeless Icons: Syrian Artists Who Changed Our Lives

Syrian art has always been an important part of our lives, and Syrian artists have left an indelible mark on our hearts and memories. These artists were not just actors or singers; they were a part of our daily lives. We grew up obsessed with their works.

Duraid Lahham

دريد لحام

One of the most important Syrian artists we grew up watching is Duraid Lahham, known for his character “Ghawar Al-Toshe.” This character was a part of our childhood and adolescence, making us laugh and think at the same time. Duraid Lahham played a significant role in presenting societal issues in a comedic and satirical way. Through his works like “Hammam Al-Hana” and “Sah Al-Nom,” he managed to bring laughter to the generations who still revisit these works today.

Nouhad Qalai

نهاد قلعي

Whenever we mention Ghawar, we can’t help but remember Nouhad Qali, who became famous for his character “Husni Al-Borzan” alongside Duraid Lahham. Nouhad Qali was a comedic genius who could make us laugh effortlessly. His chemistry with “Ghawar” in their artistic collaborations was a mix of humor and social critique, a major factor in the success of the projects he participated in.

Sabah Fakhri

صباح فخري

Sabah Fakhri, with his amazing voice and unique performance, managed to preserve and enrich Syrian musical heritage. He is a symbol of authentic Arabic music, and his songs have become part of our musical legacy. His stage presence was particularly captivating. Who among us hasn’t danced to “Ya Rabat Al-Wajh Al-Sabouhi”?

Yasser Al-Azmeh

ياسر العظمة - فنانين

When it comes to comedy, Yasser Al-Azmeh is the first person who comes to mind, especially with his show “Maraaya,” which made us smile every year. Yasser Al-Azmeh was a versatile artist, both an actor and a writer, capable of addressing societal issues in a humorous way while delivering deep messages. “Maraaya” was a staple of our family time, eagerly awaited each year.

Fahd Ballan

فهد بلان

Among the singers we grew up with is Fahd Ballan, a major figure in Syrian popular music. His powerful voice and songs about love and life made people feel close to him. His songs are numerous, but the most famous ones that still resonate today include “Lazra’lk Bustan Wrud” and “Larkab Hadak Al-Motor.”

Naji Jaber

ناجي جبر

As for acting, we must mention Naji Jaber, who is famous for the character “Abu Antar.” Naji Jaber was one of the artists who made a significant mark in Syrian drama, and his powerful performances and the authentic Damascene persona he always portrayed consistently garnered audience admiration. He became a beloved figure among both the young and the old.

Rafiq Subaie

رفيق سبيعي

Rafiq Subai’i, known as “Abu Sayah”, was also a great artist who left an indelible mark on Syrian drama. He was a symbol of Damascene’s authenticity, and his character “Abu Sayah” embodied the true Damascene man who loves and protects his neighborhood. His role always reflected the spirit of aid and chivalry that we associate with the people of Damascus.

Mona Wassef

منى واصف - فنانين

Mona Wassef, who is considered an icon of Syrian drama, has delivered powerful and impactful roles that have made her one of the most important artists in the Arab world. She excelled in portraying roles of strong and bold women, and she has left a significant impression through major series and continues to do so to this day. The older generation remembers her from “As’ad Al-Waraq” while the younger generation knows her as “Um Jabal”.